The day my life changed forever

Even though this blog is supposed to be just for movies, there are some things that happen which need special recognition and therefore take priority over movies. I want to make it clear that it is not my intention to change the reason for this blog as it’s titled “JJ’s movie room,” and there will be more movies to come that will be reviewed as I watch them. However,, there’s been something on my mind for a couple of days now and I needed to use this as an outlet to express myself. As I have been known to write about things that bother me, (I’ve done this for years,) I think it’s time I wrote about something that makes me happy, or in this case someone who makes me happy.

This is the story of my nephew named Jacob:

It was last summer when I was sitting in my la z boy chair minding my own business with a splitting headache. The phone rang and it was my brother Joseph who I had not spoken to for months up to that point. He asked me if I had heard the news, to which I sarcastically asked him if he was getting a divorce from his wife. He laughed and told me that he was having a baby. Though I had been made aware that this could happen at some point, it still came as a sock to me and I was worried that things around me would change once he arrived. I was worried that maybe mom would be too busy caring for him and that I would not speak to her for days as a result, or that I would be in one of my bad moods, which were commonly occurring at that time and still do to a point today which would make him cry. I spent the rest of the year worrying that whatever day it was was going to be the day that I would find out he was coming and if I’m being honest, I wasn’t ready for it. I wanted to be the best uncle I could be…..and I told my friends that I wanted to model myself as the type of uncle that uncle Mike was to me as he was great and still is to this day. However, I knew that with my lack of money to spoil him as much as everybody would want me to as well as my temper problems., I began to question what kind of uncle I could be. I was worried that I would allow myself to freak out and thus, I would not be fit to be around him anymore. I knew deep down that if I didn’t shape up by the time he got here, I would lose the opportunity to be a part of his life and this was the last thing I wanted….to be the type of uncle that he grew up to dislike and not want to be around anymore.

Months went by and every day, it became closer and closer to the day the baby would arrive. On Thursday of last week as I was taking a nap, I got a picture text from mom and it was of the baby…he had just been born. This for me was a lot to take in and I experienced a wide range of emotions from excitement to sadness, as I knew with his arrival that we were all getting older, as well as remembering life when we were kids and living with mom still, etc. I knew that things were definitely going to change and they would never be as they were before again. With one sent picture, I became an uncle and I knew I had a lot to prove as I had not yet convinced myself that I was fit to be an uncle. I wasted no time in determining that my temper had to go away and I needed to not be cheap with him as I wanted to earn his respect and I also knew that Joseph could probably use some stuff from me to help him out. With that being said, I started going shopping for things I normally wouldn’t buy such as clothing for him, a couple of blankets, countless books from different stores, (which is weird for me because I do not like to read despite having the ability to do so,) a DVD movie of sesame street, a bib, etc. Where I would normally dispute spending all of this money, I knew I had to do my part to provide for Jacob, (the baby’s name, though I refer to him as Jake,) and I was willing to do anything to accomplish that goal. I also wasted no time in showing people, (even those who don’t need to see the picture of him,) the picture of him just after being born as well as taking every opportunity to brag about my newfound title of uncle to anyone who will listen. Almost everybody who I’ve shown the picture to or have mentioned him to has taken kindly to his existence while those who haven’t, who shall remain nameless, have earned what’s left of my wrath as I have devoted my life to making sure Jake has the best life possible. He will either be respected or to say the least, I will have problems with those who don’t give him the respect he deserves.

Now you’re probably wondering how someone so small could make such a big impact. How could an infant baby who was born less than a week ago, (at the time of this writing,) have helped me in anyway way, especially since he can’t even talk or walk yet? Well, it’s simple. With Jacob’s arrival on this earth, he’s given each of us something we’ve wanted for years. He’s given Joseph and Jyllenna the opportunity to be great parents. Mom has always wanted to be a grandmother for as long as I can remember, he’s given her that opportunity. While he’s technically given me my first opportunity to be an uncle, he’s also given me something I’ve needed for years. For many years before his arrival, I found myself constantly getting mad at myself sometimes for nothing at all. I can’t count the times I haven’t been myself prior to his arrival. I’m going to make this real simple. I will not get mad anymore because I want to make sure I’m the best uncle I can be. If that means spending every last dollar I earn making him happy, (this goes for everybody else as well not just Jacob,) then so be it. I will make sure he is happy no matter the cost, (within reason of course.) I dare say we needed him in this family and more importantly, I need him and I have never been happier in my whole life.

So now, I would like to send a special message to my newborn nephew:

Hey buddy, it’s your uncle Jeff. We haven’t met yet but I promise we will soon. Your daddy is my brother and your grandma is my mommy. I have been looking forward to spending a lot of time with you. We will have lots of fun but the most important thing to remember is that I will be there for you as much as I can. Your mommy and daddy and grandma will be too. We’re so happy you are part of this family. I’m sending your mommy and daddy a special bag and do you know what makes it so special? There’s special things that I have bought just for you. I got you a blankie, some nice warm clothes to wear, some fun books to read and maybe I can even read to you some day. I also bought you a nice stuffed animal to cuddle with at night as you go on a trip to dream land. I’m so happy you are part of this family and there’s just one thing I want to say…..I love you!

I promise we will meet some day buddy.

Thank you for all that you’ve done for us in the short time you been on earth.

Welcome to the earth buddy.

Once again, I love you

Your uncle Jeff

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