For the past few weeks, I’ve been blessed with the privilege of being an uncle. It was on April 25th of this year that Joseph had his first baby and I knew that I had to step up my game and be a good uncle to him. You see, whi8le things weren’t so bad for me before he was born, I really feel that he has presented me with something I’ve never really had as it relates to how I deal with situations that bother me. This is patience. Coincidentally, I wrote him a little message regarding patience and how the lack of it through life could get him in trouble the same way it got me in trouble so many times prior to his first day on earth. Before he was born, even the smallest thing would set me off to a point where I would bite my hand and freak out as well as take my frusterations out on anybody who was sitting in front of me even if they claimed to have nothing to do with the situation I was in. This happened a lot with Earl where I found myself in a situation and he would always tell me to take it up with mom, the fuckin role model that he is. he says he wants to be my father and yet every little thing is deflected on to mom as if he is just another person on the street or something. He never did anything to try and help me. Anyway, when faced with these situations, I would always take my opportunity and kick the guy’s ass, break every available appendage I could find all in the name of proving my utter dislike for the green earth that that person walks on. I also knew that mom would not care if he got hurt since she hates his guts and wanted him pretty much dead.

This was before Jake was born though and as he wasn’t alive then, there was nothing stopping me from unleashing on him, not even mom who actually wanted me to unleash on him. I would get stressed and he would be nothing more than a victim for me.

Well, things are different now and I have to say that unlike him, I have nothing but respect for Andre. He’s been the father I’ve never had. He does more for me than Earl ever did and he’s been a joy to have around for the length of time he has been involved with us. This made it very unfortunate for me to have to decide how to approach the situation I found myself in when my credit card got maxed out earlier today. I mean, this is not like it was back then. I hated Earl and he was nothing more than a punching bag for me but I love Andre, (as a father Chris,) and I would never hurt him. Also we can’t forget about the promise I made to Joseph and mom and to Jake that I would never lose my patience no matter how bad the situation is but to be honest, this situation gave me a run for my money….pardon the pun.

After making the call and finding out how much money I owed, I became worried about how mom would react since I owed about half of what I do now which resulted in trouble from mom as well as her questioning my ability to properly handle a credit card. Well, it’s never been this bad. I have absolutely nothing available on it and it could take my life to pay it off. This is why I have made a pledge to never use it again, (truth be told, how can I if there’s nothing on it anyway?) and live on a budget which is whatever is on my debit card. I mean, I’m sure I’m not the first person this has happened to. People sometimes fall short on their credit cards. I’ve seen it happen to other people but it’s never happened to me before. This sort of makes me feel better but at the same time, it does not take away from the stress of having to pay it off with no money.

Once again as I’ve been doing every since he was born, I have to say thank you to my wonderful nephew Jake. He may only be three pounds…..I may have yet to see him in person yet….he may be just a baby and may not even realize what’s happening but he’s an inspiration to me. He’s helped me get through some times.

I’m going to end this blog with a message to him for the future.

Buddy, it’s uncle Jeff. Enjoy the times you will have as a kid. These are special times that uncle Jeff and grandma and mommy and daddy experienced too. One day, you will grow up but please try not to grow up so fast.

You are so special to me buddy….we will meet soon, your uncle Jeff

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