If there’s one positive thing I can take away from tonight, it’s that it’s almost over. Having said that, what should have been a peaceful night at home where I could have watched a movie, maybe written another blog was taken from me by the actions of one staff who shall remain nameless. The truth is that my problems started even before the issue took placed and it was over what has become a recurring problem since I’ve been here.

I moved here with nothing but the best intentions have came from a place where staff were no good and service only had it’s points when it was good. However, an ongoing problem I’ve had since I’ve been here has been whether or not I eat in the common room as opposed to in my own room where I would prefer to eat. I’ve said that before and I will say it again. I’m not here to make friends. I do not care about any other person, be it staff or client. I have no intentions of being around them and honestly, my only request is for them to leave me alone as I will do for them as well. Yet most days in the last three years, I’ve been at odds with mom over me not wanting to go down there as I see no reason to go down there and I do not want to forget the fact I pay to live in this room and I like my privacy. Now it may seem as though I’m trying to get everybody here involved with me and mom’s thing but it’s not. The thing is that you can help the situation by closing down the common room all together thus creating a situation where clients must always eat in their room. I came to this conclusion a few weeks, maybe even months ago and it has since been decided that on days when I don’t have para booked, I have been given the go ahead to eat in my room from mom. This is actually where the situation began tonight.

Despite my apprehension to go down for supper since I had no para booked, I ended up doing so. After finishing my dinner and making multiple trips back and forth downstairs in an effort to tidy up my dishes, I was finally in my room for the night. This all changed when I found myself needing water to take medicine for a sore neck. With no cup to put the water in, I called Marjorie to bring me up a cup for my water, (she had already failed to show up when I asked her to bring me some yogurt and fruit.) She told me she was on her way to an emergency called and told me to come down. I had just settled in and made it my mission to not go down again. After reminding her that I had previously asked for yogurt with berries, she again told me to come down. The frustration that followed was enough for me to utter the F word, (though not directly to her. I just said “AWWWW For FUCK SAKE!) out of frustration stemming from me having to go all the way downstairs again having done so at least four or five times in the previous hour. Marjorie’s response was less than enthusiastic:

“DON’T SAY THAT TO ME!” before hanging up in my face. Her lack of professionalism and unnecessary yelling finally got the better of me and I can finally say I’ve had it with this place. Now don’t get me wrong. There are still a few staff here who I have yet to feud with but in the last month or so, I’ve really gotten tired of the crap I’ve had to deal with around here. Between Marjorie and Megan, the last month I have wished to live elsewhere. This isn’t even the worst of it. This nonsense of them ignoring me every time I try to get a word in edge wise really gets to me too. As I said before, staff are paid to supposedly listen to clients needs. If they can’t/don’t want to listen, they shouldn’t work here because listening is part of the job.

Another thing I should mention is that I wanted so badly to not involve mom in this as I know what she is going through right now with her cancer. That being said though, I vividly remember the last issue I had with Megan where she went to Jen like a scared little child and reported me. In the call that followed the next day, it was an option for Jen to inform mom of the situation, though it never came to that. I wanted to make sure that I got to mom before Marjorie went behind my back and got through to Jen. Like every situation before this one, I went to the mom well and everything was fine. This was until I had to suppress my late night hunger for a bagel just to avoid possibly speaking to Marjorie again as I’m sure she hates me.

My brother Joseph, (not the one who lives here,) is scheduled to come down for a visit. He is the one who gave birth to my nephew. He lives in Saskatoon and I have not seen him since before I moved here. He’s never been here and I’m seriously debating allowing him to come here especially if Marjorie or Megan is the one working.

One thing I will request from you is for me to not choose anything on the menu for Fridays as I’m starting a new routine in light of what happened in the aftermath of the issue to have Fridays be my own order out night just like it used to be. Also for lunches on Fridays, I will try to have my own food that I will buy from the store so I’m not always down for tuna.

Day after day, I’m finding another reason to dislike this place. Maybe my time here should be winding down.

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